Kirsten Sivesind
Associate Professor, Dr.phil. at the University of Oslo
Kirsten Sivesind carries out research in the areas of general education, curriculum
theory, education history, politics of education, administration and leadership.
Recent research has centered on formal curriculum development and the
North-Continental history of Didaktik.
Her doctoral thesis concerns the changing relationship between research and
reform during the history of public schooling. Ongoing projects question how
ademic thinking and theory creates new expectations towards government and
schooling during the 21th century.
Her latest research project links to the ASAP-project (Achieving
School Accountability in Practice), funded by the National Research
Council in Norway. Sivesind’s project: Back to the future – the changing
role of curriculum politics, discusses possible consequences of
globalization and internationalization on curriculum and teaching, yet
underscors how public institutions serve as a contradictory and reflective force
against standardization.
Sivesind, Kirsten. Reformulating Reform: Curriculum History Revisited. Dissertation for the degree Dr. Philos. Faculty of Education, University of Oslo, 200
Sivesind, Kirsten. Task and Themes in Communication about the Curriculum: The Norwegian Compulsory School Reform. I: Comparing Curriculum-Making Processes. Bern: Peter Lang 2002. ISBN 3-906768-68-6. p. 319-332
Gundem, Bjørg Brandtzæg; Karseth, Berit; Sivesind, Kirsten; Curriculum Theory and Research in Norway: Traditions, Trends, and Challenges. I: International Handbook of Curriculum Research. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 2003. ISBN 0-8058-3222-X. p. 517-534
Sivesind, Kirsten; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Afsar, Azita. Nordiske læreplaner. (Nordic curricula) Oslo: Læringssenteret 2003. ISBN 82-486-0965-0. 70 p.
Werler, Tobias; Sivesind, Kirsten. Norway. I: The Education Systems of Europe. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2007.
Afsar, Azita; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Sivesind,
Kirsten. Fra gammel til ny læreplan – etablerte forventninger og mulige
forandringer. Bedre skole 2006